How to tell the difference between Philodendron White Princess, White Wizard and White Knight

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This trio of Philodendrons has been the topic of many conversations and debates as they are often mislabelled and missold as one another.

So if you are unsure of which one of these Philodendrons you might have, the answer is in the colouration and variegation.

All three are part of the Philodendron genus which is part of the Araceae family. The Philodendron genus is flowering plants consisting of over 400 different plants. The genus is native to tropical America, and it's the second largest genus in the Araceae family.

Philodendron White Knight it’s probably the most striking of the three. It has dark purple stems with white variegation. The colouration stands out more in the White Knight as the dark stem create a strong contrast against the leaves.

Philodendron White Wizard has green stems with white variegation and grows faster of the three (under the right conditions). The White Wizard also has largest white patches, and its leaves will grow bigger.

Philodendron White Princess How to tell the difference between Philodendron White Princess White Wizard and White Knight Philodendron White Wizard How to tell the difference between Philodendron White Princess White Wizard and White Knight

Philodendron White Princess has narrower leaves with green stems and small pink and white colouring. While Philodendron White Wizard and White Knight are climbers, the White Princess it's a self heading plant.